Influence, Influencing and Influencer

 In this 21st century, world has totally changed as it was before few century ago. Before people used to live in the forest, in the bare land, hunting all day for food without any proper objectives or goals. But as time past, they learned the importance of house, they learned the importance of basic needs and they learned that it is necessary to have a specific goal, so that they can contribute to the society or country they live. Because of that, at this present time, we are so lucky to have roads, buildings, health care services, well developed communication systems and other necessary facilities. Have you ever thought that how we human being (social animal) have developed so much as compare to other species in earth? Have you ever though how fast we are evolving as compare to other animals and how we are controlling other animals in earth?  Well, the answer for these question is influence. If you have done self evaluation then you will know how easily we get influence by the behavio

Organizational Goal including features of effective organizational goal, process, importance & problem of goal formation, purpose of organizational goal, condition under which goal succession or displacement occurs

 This article is all about Organizational Goal. In this article you will get information about the features, process, importance, problem and purpose of organizational goal. Similarly, you will know under which conditions or situations, organizational goal success or displacement take place.


Organizational goal is the desire goal which an organization wants to achieve. In an organization, there may be multiple goals that need to be achieved in order to satisfy the interest of share holders, staffs, customers and society.  Goal of organization might be related to earn profit, to grow, to survive or to fulfill social responsibility. To fulfill goal, organization puts all the effort and utilizes its available resources like capital and human resource. 

According to Koontz and Weihrich,"Goals are the ends toward which activity is aimed. They are the result to be achieved."

Therefore, It is a desire goal which every organization puts all the resources to achieve goal in order to survive, gain profit and to grow.  Every organization has objective to reach their goals and after achieving desired goal, ultimately another goal is arises.

Features Of Effective Organizational Goal

Generally, there are lots of features of organizational goal. But here i have mentioned some the features of effective organizational goal.

1. Specific






                 The goal of organization must be specific and clear to understand. It is very necessary for an organization to make clear, simple and specific organizational goal. Specific goal helps to reduce confusion among the staff and helps to run day to day task smoothly. For instant, goal should be like, increasing sales of product by 10% through digital marketing for the coming year 2023/24.


                        Another feature of effective organizational goal is measurable. Goals which are not measurable, are difficult to achieve. If the goals are not measurable, then organization faces problem to evaluate it. For an organization, measuring and evaluating the work done by staff is very essential to reach organizational goal.


                        Organizational goal should be realistic and achievable. It should not be too ambitious. Focusing in too ambitious goal or to unachievable goal is just like wasting all the valuable resources in an organization. Thus, an organization must set organizational goal which is achievable and hypothetic.

4.Reward system:

                            Reward system plays significant role in achieving organization desires goal in effective and smooth way. In an organization, reward system helps to motivate staff member to work in their best potential. It encourage staff member to work and  motivate them to work efficiently. 


               In an organization,  every organizational goal must be fulfilled in specific period of time. It means to say that, every goal has its value for certain period of time, after which the value of goal might be decreased. For example, organization might has desires to increase its production capacity by 5% to fulfill the current demand of customer in 2 months but  being able to increase its production capacity only after 6 months may not be fruitful for the organization.

Process of Goal Formulation

To formulate organizational goal is not an easy task for the organization. While making organizational goal, different steps need to be followed and here i have described three steps that need to be followed to formulate organizational goal:

1. Environmental Scanning

2.Formation of Strategic Goal

3.Formation of Specific Goal

1.Environmental Scanning:

                                           It is the first step of goal formulation. In order to formulate effective goal for an organization, an organization should scan or evaluate its environment. Here organization environment includes following things:

i) Political & legal environment

ii)Economic environment

iii)Technological environment

iv)Socio cultural environment

2.Formation of Strategic Goal:

                                                In environment scanning process, SWOT analysis is done. SWOT stands for Strength of organization, Weakness of organization, Opportunities of organization and Threats of organization. After doing all these scanning, an organization becomes ready to set strategic goal for the organization. Here, organization sets missions and strategy.

3.Formation of Specific Goal:

                                                  After the formation of strategic goal, goal is divided into small task or operation and provided to different sections of organization. Every organization has its own duty or task to do in daily basis and working in organizational structure helps them to reach their desire goal.

Purpose of organizational goal

In an organization, goal is formulated to contribute in enhancing overall organizational growth and effectiveness. There are many purpose of organizational goal and some of them are mentioned below:

1. Source of future guidance: 

                                              Organizational goal plays the role of guidance about future to an organization. It gives direction to the organization about where to to, when to go and how to go. Similarly, it guides all the staff members to do their task without any confusion.

2.Aid in planning:

                            Organizational goal helps organization to formulates its plan and to make decisions. Organizational goal is also known as the first or primary stage of planning and decision making because after setting goal only organization becomes able to start planning about how to reach their goal.

3.Source of motivation:

                                     After setting or formulating organizational goal, staffs get their role and responsibilities to perform in organization and all their roles are directed towards goal. Thus, knowing  their roles that are helping to reach organizational goal   ultimately boost their moral and motivate them to work more efficiently.

4.Evaluation and control:

                                       The main purpose of organizational goal is to evaluate and control the performance. Goal helps organization to measure the performance of organization and to evaluate whether they are directed towards organizational goal or not. And if their performances are not helping them to reach organizational goal then they can control it.

Importance of goal formulation

Generally, if an organization does not have any goal to achieve then there is no any meaning of their existence. Organizational goal gives reason to run organization. Here, some of the importance of goal formulation are mentioned below:

1.Organizational goal helps to provide future direction or future guidance to the organization to perform the daily task.

2.Organizational goal provides help to make planning and decision and as well as in management control.

3.Organizatonal goal also helps in providing a source of motivation to the member of organization by giving clear guidance about their role and responsibility.

4.Organizational goal also serves as means to set a distinct picture and identity.

5.Organizational goal helps in effective mechanism in evaluation and control of organizational activities.

Problem in goal formulation

Well, formulating goal for an organization is very difficult task. Before formulating goal many things need to be observed and to be checked. At the time of making goal, management faces many difficulties and some of them are mentioned below:

1.Inappropriate goal:

                                 Inappropriate goal is the goal which is unachievable and unattainable by the organization. And focusing on such goal creates dilemma to goal formulation as well as wastes the resources of organization.

2.Improper reward:

                               The achievement of organizational goal must be directed or linked toward the growth and profit of organization, staff and society. Organization gathers its resources and hires staff to perform the organizational task by sitting in society. Thus, organization goal must be linked to these things.

3.Complex and dynamic working environment:

                                                                          An environment on which an organization serves its product is complex and dynamic. Environment forces like economy, technology, political system and market competition are changing day by day which are creating complexity to the organization to formulate organizational goal.

4.Constraints of resource:

                                        The main problem that most of the organization faces during goal formulation is lack of adequate resources. To achieve an organizational goal, an organization requires resources like human resource, capital and so on. Thus, lack of such resources creates problem in goal formulation.

Condition under which goal succession occurs

Goal succession is a process of changing course of action to adopt a new goal in an organization. Goal succession occurs when an organization modifies or amend an original goal of an organization. Generally, goal succession might occur in three different specific condition and they are:

1. When an organization achieves its goal in given period of time then at that time goal succession is occurs because organization must formulate new goal for its continuity.

2.When an organization fails to achieve its goal then at that time goal succession occurs because  an organization must modify the original goal in order to survive.

3.When business environment changes then at that time goal succession occurs because  an organization needs to change its original goal in order to face changing environment.

Condition under which goal displacement occurs

In this current time, all the organization carry their business activities to reach their goal within the changing environment. However, goal displacement may create problem in business activities. Here are the some condition under which goal displacement might occurs:

1.When an organization totally substitutes its original goals for some other attractive goals.

2.When an organization formulates goal for which resources are lack of inadequate.

3.When the attitude of employees toward organizational goal changes.

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