Influence, Influencing and Influencer

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Coordinations Concept, Requisites And Importance

 This article is about the concept of coordination, requisites and its importance.

Image of Coordination

        Coordination has become necessary. There must be coordination among the individuals or group of individuals either working in the same department or in various departments of the firm to whom separate segmented jobs were assigned.

         Coordination is an important function of management. It is very important that without which other managerial functions cannot be performed effectively. It is the continuous and never ending process in management because it is achieved through the performance of functions. And, the  functions are dynamic and change over the period of the period of time and thus, coordination is also dynamic, according to change in functions, the coordination also changes. Coordination is always related to group efforts and not to individual effort. It is the orderly arrangement of group efforts for achieving common goals. Similarly, it is a process of making relation and cooperation through which some common goals could be achieved.


          Many authorities have defined coordination. Some of them are given below:

Henry Fayol-"coordination is to harmonise all the activities of a common in order to facilitate its working and its success."

E.F.L. Brech-"coordination  is balancing and keeping together the team by ensuring a suitale allocation of tasks to the various members and seeing that tasks are performed with due harmony among the members".

George R. Terry-"coordination deals with the task of blending efforts in order to ensure successful attainment of an objectives."

According to modern conception, if a manager performs his function of planning, for example, he first thinks of coordination and tries to achieve it by properly interrelating the plans of various departments. Similarly, in the case of organization, he creates several groups and assigns various activities to subordinates and while creating groups or units or departments, the manager constantly bears in mind the need of coordination.

Requisites/Principles/Elements For Excellent Coordination

A good coordination attacks the problems as they arise. It is accepted by all that coordination is crucial to the effectiveness of the organization. In fact, it is ongoing process whereby a manager determines and develops an orderly pattern of group efforts among the subordinates and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. Some of the important elements/principles/elements for excellent coordination are mentioned below:

1.Direct contact
: Through direct contact, the activities of different individuals within and between departments can be coordinated. By direct personal contact among the responsible people concerned, coordination can be more easily achieved. Views can be discussed by direct face-to-face or personal contact.

2.Early start: Coordination should start from the very beginning of planning and policy making process. There should be mutual consultation among the officials while preparing the plan. If it is done early, the task of adjustment will be very easier either in preparation or in integration in the process of implementation of the plan.

3.Continuity: Coordination is a continuous function, so, it should be viewed as a continuous or never ending process, it must go on all the time, starting from the stage planning. It cannot be left to chance, but management should make constant efforts to achieve it.

4.Dynamism: Coordination should be modified in the light of changes incurred in the internal and external environment. It envisages that coordination should not be rigid but dynamic.

5.Simplified organization: The organizational structure of the enterprise should be simplified to make the coordination effective. If structure is simplified, then, closely related functions and operations may be put under the charge of one executive and this would facilitate the taking of action necessary for coordination.

6.Clear cut objectives: The objectives should be clearly defined to make coordination  effective. The objectives, goals and mission should be laid down clearly. The departmental managers should be told of the objectives of the firm and they should understand the overall goals.

Importance of coordination

Coordination is undoubtedly essential  at every level of management and in each management functions for achieving the corporate goals. It has become so important that beyond this, management cannot see with guarantee and assurance that the corporate objectives could be achieved.It means both the smooth and efficient working and achievement of organizational goals are dependent upon sound coordination.
The importance of coordination has been emphasized by Chester Bernard very excellently stating, "The quality of coordination is the crucial factor in the survival of the organization." Thus, based upon above arguments, some of the importance can be described here under: 

1. Unity of actions:
The complexities in many aspects have increase as the size of the organization has been increased. To achieve goals, specialization and division of labour and work are also applied, and large number of workers are also provisioned. Naturally, their interests and goals may differ. Now, question arises to reconcile the interest and goals of individuals and organization.The action should be unified so as to achieve the goals.

2.Total accomplishment:
Group achievement is greater in all respect than that of individual achievement. If the efforts of employees are closely coordination, naturally, their total accomplishment will be for greater than the sum total of individual achievements. It increases total production and helps in preventing duplication.

3.Efficiency and economy: Due to coordination the employees perform the job effectively and efficiently. Thus, it promotes efficiency in work which may result in economy in operations. More to this, coordination helps the organization to avoid delays and control duplication of work, thus both may cause of increasing efficiency and achieve economy.

4.Good personal relations: Through the application of coordination, management creates good and excellent human relations. The conflicts, disagreements, disputes and other similar fighting among different persons, between line and staff can be settled, suppressed, eradicated and resolved by mutual discussions. Better personal relations can be developed which, in turn, will boost the workers morale high.

5.Key to managerial functions:
The managerial functions can be performed well only with the help of coordination. Coordination is the key to planning, organizing, leading and controlling due to which the related works are performed effectively.

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