Influence, Influencing and Influencer

 In this 21st century, world has totally changed as it was before few century ago. Before people used to live in the forest, in the bare land, hunting all day for food without any proper objectives or goals. But as time past, they learned the importance of house, they learned the importance of basic needs and they learned that it is necessary to have a specific goal, so that they can contribute to the society or country they live. Because of that, at this present time, we are so lucky to have roads, buildings, health care services, well developed communication systems and other necessary facilities. Have you ever thought that how we human being (social animal) have developed so much as compare to other species in earth? Have you ever though how fast we are evolving as compare to other animals and how we are controlling other animals in earth?  Well, the answer for these question is influence. If you have done self evaluation then you will know how easily we get influence by the behavio

Concept of Management, Its functions, emerging challenges for management, managerial roles and managerial skills

 In this article, you will get information related to management functions, emerging challenges for management, managerial roles and managerial skills.

Concept of Management

                                      Management is the process of creating and maintaining an organizational environment where individuals give their efforts to achieve organizational goal. In simple ways, management can be define as getting things done through people. Management is the process of using organizational resources in a best way to produce goods or services. Organizational resources includes human, capital and knowledge. In an organization, manager uses all the functions of management in order to identify the problem and uses skills  and knowledge to develop strategies to solve that problem. 

According to Ricky W. Griffin, "Management is a set of activities like planning, organizing, leading and controlling directed to an organization's resources such as human, financial, physical, and information with the aim of achieving organizational goals effectively and efficiently in a changing environment."

To sum up, management is the process of getting things done through others by utilizing resources like human, capital, physical and information and doing managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

Functions of Management

There are five different management functions in an organization and they are:







                  Planning is the process of predetermining the goal of an organization and deciding future course of action to be done to achieve that goal. In organization, manager makes plan about the goal and decides the way to achieve it. Planning guides manager and all the member of organization to focus their attention on the benefit of organization.


                     In business term, organizing is define as the way of gathering all the required resources in organization to achieve the goals of organization. It is an act of collecting and coordinating organizational resources like human, capital, physical and information to reach goal. According to the desire goal of an organization, resources are selected and organized.


                  Staffing is the process of fulfilling the requirement of human resource in an organization. It is also known as the process of assigning right staff at right position in order to run organizational activities smoothly. Manager decides appoint require number of staffs and assign them their duties to achieve the goal of organization. 


                  In an organization, goal cannot be achieved just by doing only planning, organizing and staffing. All the planning, organizing and staff must be directed towards the organizational goal. Leading is process of directing, motivating and communicating with staffs to do organizational task. In this function, manager has to play significant role to guide and direct the staff of an organization.


                     The management function of controlling is related to the monitoring the activities and progress of job done and making required changes. In other word, it is the process of evaluating the job done by staff and doing necessary changes if required. If the activities and efforts are not directed towards goal then manager changes certain things so that goal can be achieved.


Generally, there are many emerging challenges and threats that an organization or manager faces in the business environment. All challenges and threats mainly arise from the changes in the outside world. Some of the major emerging challenges that all managers today face are explained below:


                         One of the major emerging challenges that manager faces is globalization. Globalization is free trade of product and service all over the world. Due to globalization, customer gets wide range of choices to choose. Because of this, management is no longer controlled by national borders. 

2.Change in technology:

                                      While making plan, goal and strategy, manager has to do scanning in environment. Thus, to make suitable goal and plan in changing technology environment is challenging task for the manager. It is very difficult for the manager to take decision to fulfill the demand of customer and to reach organizational goal in changing technology environment. To have full knowledge about new technology is necessary for manager in order to reach organizational goal.

3.Quality and productivity:

                                              In this current time, every customer demands quality product and service. They demand attractive product with zero defects and has long term durability. Similarly, to fulfill the demand of huge customer is very challenging task for the manager. It requires new technology and huge investment. Thus, producing large quantity of quality product in short period of time is also challenging for manager.

4.Social responsibilities:

                                     An organization produce its product or services in society and sell to the people of society. Thus, a manager has to make concern about the rules and regulations of the society. It has to produce product which is beneficial and good for the society and environment. It should be legal and good for the development of the society. An organization has to contribute to the quality of life and  the society as whole.

5.Workforce diversity:

                                   Workforce diversity means diversity in terms of gender, race, caste, religion, nationalities and age. The manager must have knowledge about the workforce diversity in his/her organization so that he/she can understand the staff member and motivate them without creating discrimination. If a manager fails to understand the workforce diversity in organization then it would be very difficult for the organization to reach its goal.


In an organization, a manager has to play different types of managerial roles so that an organization runs its business activities smoothly and reach its desire goal in given time. Some of the important role of manager are given below:

1. Interpersonal Roles

  • manager has to deal with ceremonial work like greeting, entertaining, receiving visitors, attending parties, so that good relation can be maintained
  • manager has to play the leadership role like directing, coordination, motivating, staffing and controlling
  • manager has to maintain healthy relations internally with different departments and externally with customer and society in order to build image and reputation

2. Informational Roles

  • manager has to evaluate and control the activities performed by staffs in organization
  • manager has to play the role of mediator by guiding lower level staff to do task and providing information to upper level about the progress 
  • manager has to play the role of representing the unit of work to explain the member of organization and outsiders about the related topic of their interest

 3. Decisional Roles:

  • manager has to make detail concern about the planning that involves risk taking and experimentation
  • manager has to make good and healthy working environment in an organization
  • manager has to allocate all the necessary resources for the smooth running of activities
  • manager has to solve the disputes which may arise within the organization or outside the organization               


To run an organization in dynamic business environment is not an easy task. Every manager needs managerial skills and abilities to run organization by carrying all the management functions. Three different managerial skills that a manager must have are given below:

1.Technical skill: Technical skill is the skill or ability to perform a specialized job that requires a certain method or process. It involves use of techniques, tools, gadgets and procedures that are necessary to perform an organizational activities.

2.Human skill: Human skill is related to maintaining interpersonal relation and have good communication. A manager must have good communication skill in order to guide the staff members about the rules and regulation and their roles and responsibilities. Similarly, human skill is necessary for the manager to make good relation with customer.

3.Conceptual and decision skill: Conceptual and decision skill is related to the ability of manager to identify the problem or issue and solve it within a given period of time. It is very important managerial skill that every manager must have. Without this skill, a manager cannot run the organization in competitive and dynamic environment.

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