Influence, Influencing and Influencer

 In this 21st century, world has totally changed as it was before few century ago. Before people used to live in the forest, in the bare land, hunting all day for food without any proper objectives or goals. But as time past, they learned the importance of house, they learned the importance of basic needs and they learned that it is necessary to have a specific goal, so that they can contribute to the society or country they live. Because of that, at this present time, we are so lucky to have roads, buildings, health care services, well developed communication systems and other necessary facilities. Have you ever thought that how we human being (social animal) have developed so much as compare to other species in earth? Have you ever though how fast we are evolving as compare to other animals and how we are controlling other animals in earth?  Well, the answer for these question is influence. If you have done self evaluation then you will know how easily we get influence by th...

Scientific Management's Concept, Principles And Advantages

The principle of Scientific Management
Scientific Management Concept

                              Scientific theory is also known as the classical theory. It is one of the principle of management. Frederick Winslow Taylor who is known as the father of management, propounded this principle or theory of management.

Taylor was born in USA in 1856 and started his career as a mechanic at the Cramp Shipyard. He worked there for three years. Then he joined the Midvale Steel Company, where he worked as a machine shopworker for two years, as gang boss for some years, and as chief engineer at the age of twenty eight. After some years he resigned Midvale and joined Bethlehem Steel Company where he served for a long period and gained experiences. After his retirement, he worked as a consultant and devoted his time to develop the concept, principle, theory or philosophy of scientific management.

During the period of his service in these two companies, he noticed the following things:
a. there were much disorder and wastage of human as well as other resources at work place,
b. the managers and staffs had no concept of systematic and efficient performance of task,
c. all without exception were following the tradition and customary ways of doing works,
d. the enterprises were managed by the rule of thumb,
e. industrial resources were not fully utilized,
f. no proper application of division of labours and division of responsibility and
g. no sense of cooperation was practiced to harmonizing the relationship.

Taylor observed the above state of affairs. Then he aimed at making management science based on "well recognized, clearly defined and fixed principles instead of depending on more or less hazy ideas."

    He gave more emphasis upon  work efficiency and productivity that the worker's productivity and organizational efficiency both should be enhanced. In this he regard he suggested some corrections and they are:

-Science not rule of thumb

-Harmony not discord

-Cooperation not individualism

-Maximum output not restricted output

-The development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity.

Taylor theory is based on above mentioned assumptions made by him. The scientific management is the attitude and philosophy of discarding the rule  of thumb. Scientific investigation should be undertaken to solve the problems of industrial management. Scientific investigation include research and experimentation, collection and analysis of data and formulation of certain definite principles and guidelines. It aims at maximizing the efficiency of the plant and enhancing the productivity of the workers. Scientific management is the art of knowing exactly what is to be done and best suit way for doing the same.

                Therefore, the scientific management is concerned with the following:

-Intelligency, investigation and analysis of the different units of the business.
-Scientific study of each unit of business.
-Scientific study of different methods of doing work.
-Scientific selection of workers.
-Determination of the most efficient unit of work.
-Linking wages to the output achieve by the individual workers.

Principles Of Scientific Management
The basic principles have been developed by Taylor and sometimes they seem as assumptions of the philosophy. They are listed below:

1.Replacing rules of thumb with science: F.W. Taylor very strongly advocated that, scientific management requires the scientific study and analysis of each job, justify with reasoning, find out the truth and replace the old rules of order or rules of thumb. This principle state that the management decisions should be based on the facts not on the mere opinions and beliefs of the managers and other concerned persons.

2.Harmony in group activities: Taylor says that the harmony and mutual relationship among employer and employees helps to attain the common goals . He suggested that mutual beneficial should be established among them. He believed that the harmony ties all to work in a unit and help contribute to the maximum.

3.Financial incentives: According to this principle, workers should be given financial incentives. To motivate the workers towards the job performance and to increase working efficiency, this financial incentives may help the organization. Thus, Taylor introduced the different piece rate system. According to this approach  the wage should be based on individual performance of the worker.

4.Functional foremanship: In this concept of scientific management, Taylor introduced functional foremanship for supervision and direction. Under this principle he suggested that work organization should be based on functional foremanship and many foreman should be provisioned as per the special functions and about eight foremen should be appointed out of which four for planning and four for doing.

5.Cooperation: This principle states that the cooperation between management and labour is the foundation of scientific management. Cooperation creates a sense and feeling of mutuality in all aspect instead of individualism. If it exists in the firm maximum prosperity can be guaranteed.

6.Maximum output: This principle of scientific management is more concerned with continuous increase in production and productivity. It maximum output is derived from optimum utilization of resources than surely it will bring higher profits and better benefits to the employer and the employees respectively.

7.Development of employees: Taylor states that there should be scientific selection of employees along with proper training provision to train them. Efforts should be made to develop each employees to achieve efficiency and prosperity.

Advantages of Scientific Management
                                     The principles of scientific management is very useful to bring positive changes in the society. With the help of this principle, F.W. Taylor aimed to develop the workers by increasing their efficiency and prosperity. He also tried to improved the efficiency of methods and machines which be of great help to increase production and productivity.  If this method or principle is fully applied, then, the businessman, the workers and the society will get benefits and advantages. Thus, the advantages of scientific management can be described as under. Thus, the advantages of scientific management can be described as under:

A. Advantages to the Businessman
                                 Through the adoption of scientific management, the businessman can obtain the following advantages:
a.Higher efficiency: Scientific management is advantageous to the businessman as it helps to improve the efficiency and productivity of stages as well machine through the standardization, scientific planning, specialization of work and work study. This technique helps to use available resources such as man, machine, money and materials to the optimum level.

b.Lower cost of operation: If productivity is increased, the cost of operation will automatically be decreased. Scientific management helps to increase production by improving methods and machines. In turn, they help the organization to reduce the wastage and all kinds of inefficiency. Thus, the cost of operation can be reduced.

c.Industrial peace: Taylor opined that mental revolution can be called, which helps the organization to develop close understanding, mutual trust and confidence between management and the employees. If such mutuality and co-operations are maintained, it will lead to reduce industrial disputes and quarrels and thus, help to maintain industrial peace.

B. Advantages to the Workers

                            Through scientific management, the workers also get following benefits:
a. Higher wages: Scientific management has made many provisions which guarantee for higher wages to the workers. It has made many incentives schemes and plans for higher wages to the efficient workers. Thus, the efficient workers can increase their income and standard of living.

b.Better working conditions: The principles of scientific management emphasized in better working condition. Taylor advocated through this principle that management should provide a proper atmosphere of work and thus through this principle and its application, workers are getting advantages of proper lighting, heating, ventilation, proper safety and idea working hours.

C.Advantages to the Society

                           If workers and businessmen are benefited, then the society is also considered as beneficiary of scientific management. Scientific management is beneficial to the society in the following ways:

a.Consumer satisfaction: Scientific management helps to produce high quality product and reduce the cost of production. Thus, consumers get quality product at a cheaper and lower prices which provides the consumers a level of satisfaction and also feel some short of surplus.

b.Economic progress: Scientific management makes it possible to produce large quantity at a lower cost which helps the organization export and earn foreign exchange. Thus, it encourages the development of industries and provide employment opportunity. It also ensures rapid economic development and prosperity of the society as a whole.

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