Influence, Influencing and Influencer

 In this 21st century, world has totally changed as it was before few century ago. Before people used to live in the forest, in the bare land, hunting all day for food without any proper objectives or goals. But as time past, they learned the importance of house, they learned the importance of basic needs and they learned that it is necessary to have a specific goal, so that they can contribute to the society or country they live. Because of that, at this present time, we are so lucky to have roads, buildings, health care services, well developed communication systems and other necessary facilities. Have you ever thought that how we human being (social animal) have developed so much as compare to other species in earth? Have you ever though how fast we are evolving as compare to other animals and how we are controlling other animals in earth?  Well, the answer for these question is influence. If you have done self evaluation then you will know how easily we get influence by th...

Leadership's Definition, Qualities And Advantages

Leadership imageConcept

     Leadership is an important aspect of managing a business. The managerial job highly depends upon effective leadership of a manager. He must excersise all the functions of his role in order to combine human and material resources to achieve corporate goals.

     A personal quality of an individual who organizes the efforts, capabilities, talents and potentialities of the followers and directs

       A manager has to encourage and motivate the employees to work hard, perform the assigned job honestly, contribute willingly, cooperatively and zealously so as to achieve corporate objectives. There is a saying that a leader may or may not be a manager but a successful manager must be a leader.It is the duty of leader to lead the department and people showing the way as well as leading the people both.As a leader, a manager has to influence the behavior of the employees not by force but by encouraging them.


Many management experts have given their point of view on leadership. Some of them are given below:

George R. Terry-"The will to do is triggered by leadership and lukewarm desires for achievement are transformed into burning passion for successful accomplishment by the skilful use of leadership".

Peter Drucker-"Leadership is the lifting of man's visions to higher sights, the raising of man's performance to a higher standard, the building of man's personality beyond its normal limitations".

Keith Davis- "Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goals".

Therefore, we can say that leadership is the process of influencing the behavior in one hand side and the ability to influence the people in a given situation so that group objectives could be attained in another side. It is also a personal quality to make people follow him.

Leadership Qualities

                    Leadership qualities play vital role to lead the people, to attract the people and to manage the people. Leadership is a quality with which a leader secures desirable actions from a group of followers voluntarily or willingly without the use of coercion. George R. Terry says that some distinct qualities are associated with leadership as to mental and physical energy, emotional stability, knowledge of human relation, empath, objectivity, personal motivation, communication skills, teaching ability, social skills and technical competence. According to Tead, they are: physical and nervous energy, sense of purpose and direction, enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, intelligence, teaching skill and faith.

                     Different management experts may have their opinion differently, however, based upon the perceptions of the distinguishing personalities, leadership qualities can be grouped into two main categories and they are a) personal traits and b)managerial traits.

Personal Traits/qualities

                       The qualities of person is called personal qualities. A good leader must have following personal qualities:

1.Dynamic personality: A leader must have dynamic personality. It emphasis that a leader should have very charming and cheerful personality with strong and sound health. He should also possess cool temperament, conversational ability and decent behavior. He should also contain stamina and good health for hard work.

2.Intellectual capacity: The most required quality that a leader must have is intellectual capacity. He should be able to think logically in any subject and in any situation of organization. Without having intellectual capacity quality a person rather neither can be a leader not can he lead.

3.Flexibility: A good and successful leader never believes in rigidity but in flexibility. He also requires to be prepared to consider and accommodate other's viewpoints and alter his decisions.

4.Character: A leader must have very fair character. Only with fair character, he can lead and set an example before the followers. He must command claim for faultless character. His actions and attitudes should be morally justifiable.

5.Vision and foresight: As a leader, he must possess very clear vision with regard to the business. The leader should be able to visualize the potential trends and develop his policies and programmes with foresight. In this regard, he is supposed to have ability to take right decisions at the right time. If it could be done, then only the leader can establish a rational judgement.

6.Emotional stability: A good leader should maintains his temperament balance

7.Take lead and initiative:A leader must have an ability to take the lead and initiative. As we know that business exists and operates in uncertainties and possesses some short of complexities, and thus, a leader is required to take effective and efficient decisions promptly.

Managerial Traits

                In an business organization, a leader must possess some managerial traits. Some of the important managerial traits are discussed below:

1.Technical knowledge: As a leader, a manager should have technical knowledge of the activities relating to the organization. The technical knowledge provide help to manager in the process of making important decisions, and it may also influence the followers positively.

2.Human relation: Leader is a human factor. It is related with knowing, dealing, influencing and managing with people. So, a manager must be able to win the confidence, establish harmonious relationship and make the people loyal. For which he has to inspire and motivate the people.

3.Organizing ability: Organizing ability is one of the important quality that a manager must have. Having organizing ability, a leader can easily help the organization to accomplish the goals. For this, he is required to bring men, machine, materials and money together in such a manner that the business could be managed profitably.

4.Power of judgement: A man can play the role of leader, who is able to establish a rational judgement upon any situation and case. So, a manager, while playing the role of leader, should possess the power of judgement i.e. he has to take right decisions and this depends upon his self confidence and self control.

5.Communicating and motivating skill: To be a good leader, a manager must have communicating and motivating skill. Communication is the process of transfering information from person to person or from place to place. So, communicating skill helps to maintain good relationship with employees, customers etc. Similarly, motivating is related with encouraging employees to do work in great efficiency. So, motivating skill of leader helps to increase the production.

Functions of a Managerial Leader

                               Generally, the functions to be performed by a leader is depend upon the nature of the organization and its business. Some of the functions of a managerial leader are listed:

A. On the basis of setting and achieving organizational goals:
-to determine and formulate the organizations goals and objectives
-to prepare work plan, work schedules and operational procedures
-to see whether appropriate works and activities are rightly and correctly carried out or not

B.On the basis of planning operations of the organization:
-to maintain harmony among the workers
-to supervise and control the functioning of various departments of his organization
-to act as the representatives of the organization and satisfy the parties

C.On the basis of symbolic figure for the group:
-to elaborate the situation and take right decision to achieve something
-to provide a kind of continuity and stability to the group
-to act as the father figure within the organization

those towards the attainment of organizational goals is also known as leadership. Generally, people tend to follow a person, whom they see as providing a means of achieving their own desires, wants and needs. Therefore, leadership and motivation are closely related. A manager who can motivate subordinates and can lead the department to follow him is a good leader.
. So, he should overcome moodiness, inconsistency and dissappointment. Whenever, any problems come in organization, he should in cheerful mood and be ready for any results enthysiastically.

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